Meet the Diamond Diva quilt: “Elizabeth.” She glows with light and color.
While some quiltmakers might wonder whether they could create such a sparkling quilt, they needn’t worry. MJ’s patterns are engaging and clearly written, and her techniques are straightforward, making spectacular results achievable.
Elizabeth is traditionally pieced – not foundation paper-pieced. If you can sew two pieces of fabric together, you can make this quilt!
Join our webinar to see the actual gems that inspire MJ’s brilliant quilts. Learn how a gem’s faceting pattern informs the quilt’s piecing strategy, and discover tips that ensure that you, too, can complete this quilt with confidence.
The Elizabeth quilt is surprisingly easy to make. You’ll learn how to approach this pattern with confidence by discovering how to piece it section by section. Plus, discover why MJ uses Sulky Rayon thread for piecing and quilting, and why you’ll want to use this thread for more and more quilting projects.
- Anatomy of Gems Explained
- Creating a Piecing Plan
- Tips for Accurate Seaming for Best Results
- Which Threads to Use for Piecing & Quilting
- Gain Confidence as a Quilter