Bringing beauty into the world with Dale Allen-Rowse, Quilting Cowboy

Season #1

Dale Allen-Rowse, a.k.a the Quilting Cowboy, has been quilting since the birth of his niece in 1999 when he first taught himself how to make baby quilts on a tour bus for a ballet company. Ever since, Dale has been sewing up a storm. Learn more about his journey in the sewing world and what keeps him going.

In 2009 Dale enrolled in college for Graphic Design to better his color theory, graphic design and computer skills. What he learned through a formal education really launched his creativity and enabled him to put to use graphic design skills in his work. Daleā€™s quilts have appeared in the Ontario Museum of History & Art, the current issue of Las Vegas Night Beat where heā€™s the feature cover story, numerous quilt shows around Southern California and most recently was asked to submit his work to be considered as set design for NBC's Making It, starring Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman.


People have asked me why 'Quilting Cowboyā€™ as my brand?

I guess itā€™s because I feel the most comfortable in my cowboy boots, a baseball cap and a flannel shirt... But, if Iā€™m completely honest, it really began like this:

The day my first marriage ended I had really no where to go so I got in the car and drove and drove. Eventually I found myself dreary eyed and exhausted on every level from all that had passed, not just that day, but for years.

At that moment I felt lost and yet somehow found. The weight of that relationship falling off my shoulders and nothing but opportunity ahead. A mix of emotions I had not previously known. When I finally stopped driving, I got out to assess where I was. In front of me was a Feed, Bait and Tackle Shop where I saw this incredible pair of cowboy boots. I tried them on and they felt like home.

Ever since then, I have worn these same boots almost every day. They are an expression and a reminder to always remain true to who I am. This sentiment is also reflected in my logo, the sewing needles and pins represent my North Star which is creativity and joy.

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